Attack phase: Day 3

Today is not quite so good.

I’ve had chronic hiccups (I don’t know if this had anything to do with the diet) and am pretty bored of protein. It’s all so damn chewy and bland! I’m also a bit ‘blocked’ if you know what I mean.

Granted, that’s because I’ve been sticking to a diet of mostly plain textured vegetable protein (TVP), which tasted great at first, but you can only have so much of a single thing (bar chocolate and wine).

The bonus is that, being so bored of it, I haven’t wanted to eat much, despite the odd tummy rumble. This is quite a novelty for me! I’m also pretty astonished that I haven’t had a single craving, whereas I would ordinarily have urges to eat something sweet or fatty everyday.

Weight loss Day 3: I lost 3.5lbs! That might be all water, but it still feels good!

Herby omelette, tofu & lentils

Herby omelette, tofu & lentils

Day three Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snack Water
Weds1/5/13 Mint choc protein shake with ½ unsweetened soya, ½ water Meet the alternative –beef chunks (1 pk) Low fat feta in a herby egg white omelette (1 yolk 3 white)Dry fry tofu marinated in BBQ powder seasoning2x tbsp lentils with herbs, balsamic and sweetener 1x chocolate oatbran muffin 2x coffeeDiet coke3x 75cl Water

Herbal tea

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